Classroom Guidelines

Respect Yourself
Respect Others
Respect Property
Be Prepared
Follow All School Rules

OPOLY Classroom Reward

1.  At the beginning of the week the letters OPOLY are written on the board.

2.  The goal is to keep as many letters as possible throughout the week by following the classroom guidelines.

3.  When the class as a whole chooses not to follow the classroom guidelines, a letter is lost.

4.  At the end of the week, the class gets to roll a dice once for every letter that is still on the board.

5.  The class token is moved around the game board (similar to a Monopoly game board) one space for each number rolled.

6.  Each space on the game board contains a classroom reward.  The class earns the reward in the space that their token lands on.

Rewards for Choosing to Follow the Classroom Guidelines

1.  Self satisfaction and pride

2.  A wink, nod, smile, or pat on the back

3.  OPOLY reward

Consequences for Choosing to Not Follow the Classroom Guidelines

1.  The child's name is placed in the teacher's notebook - warning.

2.  The child's name is placed in the teacher's notebook again and the child speaks to the teacher during recess.

3.  The child loses the opportunity to participate in the OPOLY reward.

4.  The child stays in from recess to fill out an Action Plan.  A copy of the Action Plan is sent home.  The teacher calls home to discuss the Action Plan.

5.  The child, teacher, and parents, if necessary, meet with the principal.

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